Chapter One: Memory and Time
Point of View
Unconventional Narratives
Why is the book so “short and jumbled and jangled”?
Nothing Intelligible to Say about a Massacre
Chapter Two: Irony, Motif, Symbol, and Theme
“Unstuck in time”
Billy Pilgrim as Symbol
Billy Pilgrim as Hero
Billy vs. Weary
“Three Musketeers”
“So it goes”
Chapter Three: Human Dignity
The Serenity Prayer
Billy’s Life
“human beings”
“three things you can’t change”
Chapter Four: Human Agency
“nestled like a spoon”
"the message of the movie shown backwards"
“Why me?”
Billy’s “artificial habitat”
“orange and black"
“a dog barked”
“blue and ivory”
“trapped in amber”
"free will"
Chapter Five: Acceptance
Tralfamadorian Time
Tralfamadorian Novels
The Image of War vs. The Reality of War
Billy vs. Eliot Rosewater
Who is Kilgore Trout?
Why does science fiction appeal to Billy and Rosewater?
The Gospel from Outer Space
Billy on Earth vs. Billy on Tralfamadore
What do the Tralfamadorians do with unpleasant moments?
“Everything Was Beautiful, and Nothing Hurt”
Chapter Six
The “sweetest thing” in life
February 13th, 1976
Billy’s Mission
“That was I”
Schlachthof Fünf
Chapter Seven
What are the "true things"?
Chapter Eight
“There are almost no characters in this story”
Fate vs. Free Will
Vonnegut vs. Trout
Barbershop Quartets
“Tell me a story”
Valencia vs. Montana
Chapter Nine
Irony of Valencia’s Death
“quit and surrender and apologize and ask to be left alone”
“I could carve a better man out of a banana.”
President Truman’s Irony
“It had to be done.”
“What really became of Montana Wildhack?”
Billy cried only once in the war: Why?
The Serenity Prayer
Chapter Ten